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Yes, Delhi does have Uber, and it’s one of the best ways to get around!

Delhi is a mega city – spread out and densely populated, but it’s easy to get around. I live in Delhi and explore the entire city constantly, without a car and driver. Oh yes, many expats and locals have private cars and drivers. Like all hired household help, it’s very affordable in India. But you don’t need a car and driver to get around Delhi.

The Best Ways to Get Around Delhi

There are 3 main ways to move around Delhi: the metro, Uber, and auto rickshaws. Delhi does have public buses, but I don’t recommend using them. They get very crowded and are unsafe for women. But don’t worry – between auto rickshaws and the Delhi metro, you won’t need to take a bus.

Delhi Metro

Blue line metro train in a station in Delhi
These are carriages on the Blue line (notice the blue stripe) – everything is colour coded on the Delhi metro

This is the lifeline of Delhi and the best way to get around. It’s a massive system, it covers almost 400 km and has nearly 300 stations. Despite its size, the Delhi metro is very user friendly. The entire system is colour coded, and in English and Hindi, so it’s almost impossible to get lost.

It might surprise you to know this is one of the best metro systems in the world. Not only does it go just about everywhere, it’s clean, safe, cheap, and efficient. Keep in mind you will have to go through security to get to the platforms, but the lineup goes fast. There are separate lineups for men and women.

The first carriage in the moving direction is reserved for women only. I always use this carriage – it’s less crowded. If you’re planning on using the metro regularly while in Delhi, get yourself a metro card from the ticket desk and load it up with INR 200. You can get the balance refunded before you leave. Don’t get the tourist card – it’s not good value.

The Delhi metro is safe, but avoid using it alone at night.

Ride-share Apps in Delhi: Uber, Ola & BluSmart

A tree lined street in South Delhi full of white Ubers
In Delhi almost all Ubers are white (image credit Hindustan Times)

Uber is widely used in Delhi. There’s another popular ride-share app called Ola and many locals use both, but I prefer Uber. Every time I use Ola the price always seems to increase during my ride, whereas with Uber the price never fluctuates unless I make a change.

Uber has different options in Delhi: car, auto rickshaw, motorcycle and package delivery. You can book an Uber for a single ride, or a set number of hours with multiple stops, and use Uber for out of town transfers. Uber is super convenient in Delhi and very cheap.

You need data to use ride-share programs, but you can pick up a local SIM card at the airport when you arrive. Sim cards and data are not expensive in India.

BluSmart is another ride-share app in Delhi. BluSmart only uses electric cars and can be booked for a single ride, or several hours at a time with multiple stops. If you are arriving at Indira Gandhi International Airport, they have a kiosk at arrivals where you can book a ride on the spot, without the need for data on your mobile.

How to use Auto Rickshaws

a line up of green and yellow auto rickshaws on a muddy street in Delhi
Auto rickshaws near the Bahai Lotus Temple at the tail end of monsoon season

Auto rickshaws (commonly called ‘autos’) are everywhere in Delhi and widely used. You’ll see them outside metro stations, malls, attractions, markets, restaurants and shops. They are one of the most common and easy ways to get around.

Autos are not metered in Delhi. Many have meters in them, but drivers don’t use them. Instead, agree on a price before you get into the auto. For short distances of 1-2 km, the price is generally 60-100 INR, but as a tourist you can expect to pay a little more. In any event, it’s still very cheap and a great way to go short distances in Delhi.

👍 Insider Tip: To avoid getting ripped off by auto rickshaw drivers, you can check Uber to see what the fare is for the same route, and use that to negotiate with the driver.

It’s appropriate to flag down an auto on the street, but there are so many around you probably won’t need to. They’re safe to use during the day, but avoid using them at night when alone.

I often use autos rickshaws in conjunction with the Delhi metro, using an auto to get me to or from the metro station.

How to Get Around Delhi at Night

a view looking up at the Qutub Minar in Delhi at night
Delhi sites are magical at night, like the Qutub Minar, just use Uber to get around after dark

The safest way to get around Delhi after dark is by Uber car. Not an Uber auto rickshaw or motorcycle. I’ve gone out and stayed out very late sometimes and never had an issue with Uber.

Avoid walking around alone after dark or using an auto rickshaw. Uber is really cheap in Delhi, and it’s your safest option.

Don’t Use Taxis in Delhi

Apart from the airport, I really don’t see too many taxis in Delhi. Before Uber and the metro, taxis were widely used and expensive. Nobody had a choice. Now there really is no reason to take a taxi, and since they are not trackable like Uber, Ola or BluSmart, they’re not a safe option.

In the past I have used one of the pre-paid taxis at the airport to get me into the city, but now that BluSmart has a kiosk at arrivals where you can order a car without data, I would do that instead.

The Wrap-up on Is There Uber in Delhi? How to Get Around the Capital of India

Even though Delhi is massive, it’s relatively easy and inexpensive to get around. By using the metro, a rideshare app (like Uber) and auto rickshaws you will be able to go anywhere you want.

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